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Category: Health Insurance Claim

Insurance policies and claims are often unnecessarily complex and confusing. Here, we offer tips on how to file a successful claim, how to understand what coverage you have, and what to do if a claim is wrongly denied or undervalued.
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What is an Insurance Claim?

What is an Insurance Claim?

Insurance claims are formal requests from a policyholder to the insurance carrier to compensate them for covered damages. If you are considering filing a lawsuit for an insurance claim denial, contact Wallace Law today.

April 30, 2024

Health Insurance Claim Denials on the Rise

About 17 of every 100 healthcare claims are denied. Are you in this boat? Read more about your legal options here.

Can A Health Insurance Company Deny A Claim?

Health insurance companies can — and often do — deny claims. Luckily, consumers can challenge these denials. Wallace Law can guide you through the process.

How to Appeal A Denied Health Insurance Claim

Insurance companies do not always play fair. If your health insurance provider has denied your claim, you can appeal the denied claim.

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